『Primary Days』 Kindle版 税込¥700
薈田純一 (著) 形式: Kindle版
モノクロ・カラー 全38点
「記憶」と書いてしまって、実は少し躊躇する。いつでも思い出せるものではないから。なにかの匂いや場面がきっかけとなって、まるで不意打ちのように光景が広がる。匂いや感触、心情までもがよみがえる」(Primary Days より)
モノクロ・カラー 全38点
“I had always been fascinated by certain scenes. Those are not from home videos nor year books. Those are the images that suddenly arise in my memory.
Is it really a memory? I wonder because it cannot be recalled at will. Those images are triggered by a scent or in times you spot a site that you seem you had seen before. Like a whiplash, the image expands, bringing back the touch and smell and even the emotions you had on that occasion.” Primary Days, preface
“INCIDENTS” are the memories that suddenly arise triggered by certain smell or taste.
They are in oblivion in daily life, but when they are revived, the touch, smell and even the emotions you had on that occasion expands. Primary Days is a photo-essay about the author trying to depict his “INCIDENTS” in his old elementary school.
Includes 38 B/W and Color photographs.
Preface and Quotation in Japanese and English
『繁茂 Flourish』繁茂 Flourish Kindle版 税込¥480
薈田純一 (著) 形式: Kindle版
「Visions of Trees」や「Photosynthesis 夜想樹たち」に新しいプリントを加えたシリーズの集大成。カラー写真66点及びエッセイ。
Plants flourish at night. I stand by a street tree and set out a camera, exposing for several tens of minutes. A world that cannot be seen with our bare eyes would only appear by means of exposing the time. Waving the branches, squirming to claim the tireless vitality, there stands a vegetation. It seems Street trees that are familiar in day time only show their true nature in the artificial light